under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
Living with Islam - in the small Australian city of Bendigo
by fulltimestudent inthe wife of my friend (the one i call gayxjw) had ancestors from there.. back in the 19th century a lot of people came from all over the world to look for gold.
among them there were many chinese.
they were often very organised, bringing baby pigs on the ships from china, seeds and seedlings for gardens they planned to start, etc.
under the radar
I would love to watch this show, but cannot access it from the US. If anyone would be willing to download it and allow me to use Dropbox to get a copy, I'd sure appreciate it. -
I Guess I'll Tell My John DeLorean story ...
by Terry ini guess i'll tell my john de lorean story_______.
in the summer of '74 i moved my family to southern california.hooray for us!
is it ready, john?".
under the radar
Terry, your writing is definitely improving. I love stories like this, and you tell them very well.
Oh yeah, good luck with your long overdue rendezvous...
Is this a BEAUTIFUL STORY--or what?
by Terry inis this a beautiful story, or what?.
act one________.
now in an ordinary romance of the golden hollywood era, the boy goes off to war while the young lady waits nervously for his safe return.in a cary grant, debra kerr movie, the two vow to meet after a certain period of time and tragic circumstances intervene.. in my story, the young man is a conscientious objector who goes to prison instead of off to the vietnam war.
under the radar
A beautiful, sweet story indeed. Good luck, Terry! -
Another child abuse cover up by JW"s
by LevelThePlayingField insource: http://www.centralkynews.com/theinteriorjournal/news/local/stanford/trial-date-set-in-jehovah-s-witness-rape-case/article_1bf73cae-8e00-11e5-8272-cf2fbe492a1a.html.
stanford the trial of a jehovahs witness accused of raping a 15-year-old girl nearly two decades ago is expected to begin in april.. donovan moore, 53, of 2059 st. michael drive in lexington, was indicted in september on four counts of third-degree rape and four counts of third-degree sodomy for allegedly engaging in sexual intercourse with a juvenile in 1997 and 1998. moore was 35 at the time of the alleged crimes.. lincoln circuit judge jeffrey burdette has scheduled a two-day trial for moore to begin april 27.. .
moore has been lodged at the lincoln county regional jail since his arrest sept. 30 on a $75,000 full-cash bond.. .
under the radar
Warning: Politically incorrect diatribe below. Read at your own risk. May contain "trigger words."
Ok then. Here we go...
Sounds more to me that it's a case of statutory "rape," meaning that technically the alleged "victim" could not legally have given consent but may well have been a willing and eager participant nonetheless.
She apparently wasn't too upset or "traumatized" to marry him and have children with him. Yes, they eventually divorced. But that happens all the time for any number of reasons.
I'd bet all this is coming out now as a direct result of squabbling in Family Court. She probably threatened him with it and he called her bluff. Oops!
Anyway, I think it's ridiculous to charge someone 20 years after the fact when the alleged "victim" was plenty old enough to know what she was doing, later married her "abuser" and had his children, and only now brings it up when they are fighting in court. If she really thought she was a victim, she could have turned him in long before now. Sounds rather opportunistic to me.
The sad part is exercises in vindictiveness like this divert attention away from and tend to dilute the seriousness of cases where there really is child abuse.
This concludes the diatribe. Flame away if you must. I'm just saying what I think may be going on in this particular situation. Other cases may be completely different. Each one must be weighed on its own merits.
Other Religious Groups Critical of Higher Education
by Wild_Thing ini was reading an essay online about how witnesses are critical of higher education and discourage it.
the editor's note said there are other conservative religious groups that hold the same view towards education.. there are?
do any of you know of any religious group that works as hard as the jws at keeping their members stupid?.
under the radar
While there are undoubtedly some groups who discourage higher education and modern technology out of a sincere fear of its "corrupting influence" on their spirituality, I don't think that's actually the case with the Society.
I've never heard about Russell's view of educated people before, but I'm convinced the rest of WireRider's comment shows the real reason the Society rails against higher education so much. It's all about control.
Watch: Comedian Lewis Black Reads 18 Year Old's Awesome Resignation Letter To The Mormon Church
by Captain Schmideo2 inhttp://www.thenewcivilrightsmovement.com/davidbadash/watch_comedian_lewis_black_reads_18_year_old_s_resignation_letter_to_the_mormon_church(warning!
under the radar
If their tax status was in jeopardy, I'm pretty sure the Mormons would get a "revelation" about gays and such.
The same with the JWs. If threatened with having to pay taxes on their money grubbing ways, I suspect there would some blinding "new light" about blood transfusions now being a conscience matter and that no one should be criticized for whatever decision they made about it.
It's all about the money. Always has been, always will be.
"The Word" includes the book Vindication!
by Atlantis incan you send me the quote where the watchtower said that the word includes the book vindication?
thanks a bunch!.
.. the quote is in the 1932 watchtower, april 1, pg.101, par.
under the radar
In the Watchtower of December 15, 2008, page 28, there appears this quote about lessons to be learned from the book Second John (2 John):
2, 4. Our coming to know “the truth”—the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible—and adhering to it are essential for our salvation.—3 John 3, 4.
It seems to me they were saying that "the entire body of Christian teachings" (including modern "understandings," doctrines, and policies) have "become part of the Bible" and therefore have the same weight and authority as the Bible itself.
If this was the intent, it's presumptuous in the extreme and practically blasphemous, given the many flip-flops and constant self-serving "adjustments" due to "new light."
I gave the elders some ammo to use
by atacrossroads ini was having dinner at olive garden with my cousin who was disfellowshipped for apostacy.
a holier than thou pioneer couple saw us.
if that was not enough i saw her take a picture of me with my cousin.
under the radar
Her taking your picture was creepy, but I doubt it was actually illegal. Of course, if someone was recording your conversation without your knowledge and consent, that's an entirely different matter.
I'm glad you didn't confront her and grab the phone out of her hands. Like someone else said, you yourself could have gotten in trouble, maybe charged with assault or theft by taking.
Anyway, the tattletale didn't follow "theocratic procedure." If she was truly concerned for your spirituality, she should have first spoken to you about it privately, not gone running straight to the elders.
I recommend just telling the elders to take a hike and mind their own business, though possibly in more polite terms. Necessary family business means whatever you want it to mean, and you don't have to explain it to a bunch of busybodies.
Astral Projection
by Black Man inso what are your thoughts on astral projection?
have a co-worker who claims to know how to induce this on himself.
is he crazy?
under the radar
There is a senior captain at my airline who claims he can project himself ahead of the airplane and thereby avoid bad weather without using the weather radar. Scared many a co-pilot when he refused to use the radar with thunderstorms all along the route.
Don't know much more about it, except that I've never heard of him getting in trouble because of it and I believe he is still around. I've never flown with him myself.
On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post
by StarTrekAngel ini am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
under the radar
Pontification mode: ON
I would agree that it's generally good to respect another's right to believe anything they want, but not necessarily the belief(s) themselves. But even that's not an absolute.
Should anyone be required to respect someone's "right" to believe that people of a different religion, ethnic group, race, nationality, or whatever, are beneath them and should be exterminated? What sane person would believe the Nazis had the "right" to believe that the Jews were the root of all evil and therefore should be rounded up and killed? What balanced person would believe ISIS has the "right" to believe the wholesale slaughter of "infidels," the destruction of cultural monuments that predate their theology by thousands of years, and the disgusting practices of "thighing" babies and violating prepubescent sex slaves are all justified because they have the "one true religion"?
Even if one conceded that people have some "right" to believe absolutely anything they want, that would not translate as any "right" to impose those beliefs on anyone else and certainly not to act on those beliefs if it harmed or even infringed on the rights of anyone else.
I reject what I see as the myth that all beliefs are equally worthy of respect. I do not accept that all religions are equally worthy of respect. Or that all cultures are equally worthy of respect. Some of all the above, or at least certain aspects thereof, are so far beneath human dignity that they deserve only derision and total rejection by society as a whole.
Pontification mode: OFF
Resuming normal operations.
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